As high schoolers, having high stress levels is basically normal for us. Even though stress is healthy to a certain extent, the amount we have can be well over that limit. So, here are a few simple yet effective stress relieving methods.
1. Meditating

This tip may sound cliche, however, I have found this is the most effective way to relieve stress and tension. It has been proven that even 5 minutes of concentrated deep breathing and meditation lowers blood pressure and reduces cortisol levels in the body. If you are new to meditation, there are many guided meditation videos on YouTube.
2. Take a short break and listen to your favorite music

Scientific research proves that listening to music that you enjoy helps to ease stress levels and trigger biochemical stress reducers in the body. So the next time you are about to break down from school work (trust me, we have all been there), sit back and listen to your favorite bop.
3. Exercise

There are countless studies of why exercise is beneficial to the body. Exercising can vary from yoga, to running, to weight lifting, to simply walking. Just walking for 10 minutes will boost endorphins, a "happy chemical" in your brain, and reduce stress hormones.
4. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is the use of aromatic plant extracts and essential oils. You can put them in a diffuser, put a drop directly on your wrists, or light a candle. Lavender, peppermint, and orange essential oils have been shown repeatedly to reduce stress levels.
5. Take a nap

Napping has been proven to reduce cortisol levels. A 20-30 minute nap will give you an energy boost and a reduction in stress. Take a nap, it's good for you.
6. Chew gum while you work

This is probably the most simple tip in this list. Studies showed that people who chewed gum while working had lower stress levels. This could be because the action of chewing helps blood flow to the brain.
7. Talk to someone

Talking to your friend, sibling, parent, or anybody that you are comfortable around can be very helpful to stress levels. By talking about what is stressful and having someone listen, can drastically change your mindset.
I hope these tips were helpful to you or can be helpful in the future. Let me know your thoughts on these ways to reduce stress and if you have or will use them. Please feel free to send me a message. Thank you!
Moonlight uh spotlight uh
Yeah there’s this one girl that keeps telling me to join her blog and that gives me stress